
Kantara - Chapter 1

Kantara aka Mystical Forest. In the 1800s, there lived a king who had a great kingdom and a loving family. He had everything he needed but could not find peace. In search of peace and happiness, he sets out on a journey in the deep forests and comes upon a holy stone in a forest occupied by Panjurli, a deity that protects the villagers residing in the forest. He donates a vast portion of his land to the villagers in exchange for taking the stone with him. Panjurli warns the king that his family and successors should keep their word and not reclaim the land, for if he does, he will have to face the wrath of Panjurli's companion, the ferocious demigod, Guliga.  Fast forward to the 1970s, the King's descendant, during the religious procession, asks a performer, possessed by Panjurli, to make the locals hand over the land to him. The performer refuses and states the former will die vomiting blood if he tries to reclaim it. The descendant is skeptical of the performer's possessi